3rd Policy Dialogue - 4th June 2015 - Addictions, drug policy framework and public health

A decision makers’ policy dialogue was convened in June 2015 with officials from World Health Organization in Geneva, CH, with the title "Addictions, drug policy framework and public health".

Discussion identified six next steps to further operationalisation of ALICE RAP findings:

1.       Development of concrete indicators to measure well-being outcomes related to the OECD well-being frame (for example educational achievement) that could be used when reporting on policy impact;

2.       Better measures of policy outcomes  for all substances built around the ALICE RAP four models of governance of addictions in Europe;

3.       How to measure the treatment gap for psychoactive substances, including measures of need and of treatment coverage;

4.       How to operationalize and measure whole of government and whole of society approaches to assessing policy;

5.       How to better develop the concept of heavy use over time, and what this means for policy, clinical practice and classification systems; and

6.       How to use margins of exposure (MOE) analyses as measures of policy outcomes  - what policies lead to what changes in exposure that lead to what changes in MOE.


Download the seminar presentation (5MB)

Policy dialogue - EU Policy Seminar in Brussels

12th November 2013 , Brussels, Belgium

In the context of growing policy interest in policy options for the governance of addictive substances and activities, researchers from the European Commission co-financed ALICE RAP project organized an expert workshop with European level policy decision-makers and researchers working onthe governance of addiction and related issues.

The meeting aimed to address some of the specific questions European policy-makers are confronting as they consider policy options to reduce or prevent the costs and harms related to the consumption of addictive substances and activities. The workshop presented key policy issues and preliminary findings coming out of ALICE RAP. 

· Scope purpose and Agenda

· Full PPT

· Summary notes


Policy Dialogue - UK Cabinet Seminar on Alcohol Pricing Policy

23rd February 2012, Admiralty Arch, London, UK

In the context of growing policy interest in pricing policy as a tool to address alcohol harms, researchers from ALICE RAP and RAND Corporation organised an invitation-only saminar of policy-makers and researchers working on alcohol pricing and related issues.

The meeting aimed to address some of the specific questions policy-makers in the UK are confronting as they consider policy options, with a focus on excise taxation, minimum pricing, restrictions on promotions and discounts, and bans on below cost sales.