Details for Emergency health consequences of cocaine use in Europe

Name:Emergency health consequences of cocaine use in Europe

A review of the monitoring of drug-related acute emergencies in 30 European countries, published in April 2014 by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA). 

The report aims:

  • To present a summarised literature review of the most common health problems caused by cocaine use, focused on cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and neurological problems.
  • To describe the sources of information on drug- and cocaine-related health emergencies in Europe and analyse relevant data from European countries’ recent annual National reports to the EMCDDA.
  • To discuss the limitations of the data collected on cocaine-related acute emergencies and the public health implications of the cocaine-related results.
  • To discuss the broader issue of using data from emergency settings to help monitor problems related to drug use.
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Created On: 04/28/2014 15:04
Last updated on: 04/28/2014 15:13