Details for A framework to measure the progress of societies

Name:A framework to measure the progress of societies

Authors: Jon Hall, Enrico Giovannini, Adolfo Morrone and Giulia Ranuzzi (OEDC)
Over the last three decades, a number of frameworks have been developed to promote and measure well-being, quality of life, human development and sustainable development. Some frameworks use a conceptual approach while others employ a consultative approach, and different initiatives to measure progress will require different frameworks. The aim of this paper by the OECD is to present a proposed framework for measuring the progress of societies, and to compare it with other progress frameworks that are currently in use around the world. The framework does not aim to be definitive, but rather to suggest a common starting point that the authors believe is broad-based and flexible enough to be applied in many situations around the world. It is also the intention that the framework could be used to identify gaps in existing statistical standards and to guide work to fill these gaps.

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Created On: 04/30/2012 18:15
Last updated on: 06/14/2012 14:54