Technical reports

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Deliverable 03.2 Professional's images of addictions Deliverable 03.2 Professional's images of addictions

Date added: 12/12/2014
Date modified: 07/27/2015
Filesize: 653.51 kB
Downloads: 6508

The objective of this study is to inquire the ways in which different European welfare states deal with alcoholism, compulsive gambling and eating disorders. This is studied through the perceptions of these problems as expressed by two welfare professional groups, general practitioners and social workers, in three European countries: Finland, Italy and Poland.

Deliverable 03.1: Media Images Report Deliverable 03.1: Media Images Report

Date added: 01/14/2014
Date modified: 07/27/2015
Filesize: 722.81 kB
Downloads: 6130

This report accounts for proceedings and results from a European study on media images on addiction in 6 European countries: Finland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Hungary and the United Kingdom.

The study provides new knowledge on the role of the mass media in construing different images of addiction related problems, and how these roles can be traced to different European traditions when it comes to welfare systems; tasks of the print press and mass media landscapes. Trends of de-politicisation and individualisation were the most striking overall developments over time.

Deliverable 01.1 Addiction through the ages Deliverable 01.1 Addiction through the ages

Date added: 08/18/2015
Date modified: 03/03/2016
Filesize: 1.04 MB
Downloads: 4307

Deliverable D1.1, Work Package 1.1

By Virginia Berridge, Johan Edman, Alex Mold and Suzanne Taylor

A review of the development of concepts and ideas about addiction in European countries since the nineteenth century and the role of international organisations in the process. For further reading, we recommend Concepts of addictive substances and behaviours across time and place.

D2.1 Stakeholder ownership D2.1 Stakeholder ownership

Date added: 07/31/2015
Date modified: 09/28/2015
Filesize: 1.08 MB
Downloads: 5110

This report contributes to understanding of the role of different stakeholder groups in the formulation and implementation of policy in the addictions field, building on case studies carried out in Austria, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Poland and the UK.

AR_D21.1 Final evaluation report AR_D21.1 Final evaluation report

Date added: 03/22/2016
Date modified: 03/22/2016
Filesize: 5.15 MB
Downloads: 5741

Final report presenting and summarising the results of ALICE RAP's work package devoted to the project evaluation, putting forward recommendations for future transdisciplinary research.