Journal articles
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Encoding and decoding substance use and addictive behaviours
Date added: | 06/16/2015 |
Date modified: | 06/16/2015 |
Filesize: | Unknown |
Downloads: | 2370 |
Full title: Encoding and decoding substance use and addictive behaviours – the role of cultural images. INTRODUCTION to special issue
Paper by Hellman M, and Einstein S.
Published in Substance Use & Misuse
The implication of the concept 'nikotiiniriippuvuus' in the Finnish tobacco discussion.
Date added: | 06/16/2015 |
Date modified: | 06/16/2015 |
Filesize: | Unknown |
Downloads: | 2154 |
Full title: The implication of the concept 'nikotiiniriippuvuus' in the Finnish tobacco discussion.
Paper by Matilda Hellman, Maija Majamäki, Pekka Hakkarainen.
Published in Nordic Studies on alcohol and drugs
Prevalence and potential influencing factors of alcohol dependence in Europe
Date added: | 06/16/2015 |
Date modified: | 06/16/2015 |
Filesize: | Unknown |
Downloads: | 2405 |
Paper by Rehm, Anderson, Barry et al.
Published in European Addiction Research
Reflections and best practice recommendations for interdisciplinary working...
Date added: | 06/17/2015 |
Date modified: | 06/17/2015 |
Filesize: | Unknown |
Downloads: | 2524 |
Full title: Reflections and best practice recommendations for interdisciplinary working: a case study on the identification of the determinants of addiction from the Addiction and Lifestyles In Contemporary Europe Reframing Addictions Project.
Paper by Gell L, McLeod J, Holmes J, Buehringer G et al.
Published in Lancet
Transition probabilities for four states of alcohol use in adolescence and young adulthood...
Date added: | 06/17/2015 |
Date modified: | 06/17/2015 |
Filesize: | Unknown |
Downloads: | 2925 |
Full title: Transition probabilities for four states of alcohol use in adolescence and young adulthood: what factors matter when?
Paper by Probst C, Moyo D, Purshouse R and Rehm J.
Published in Addiction