Journal articles

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The Complexity of Addiction: Conceptions of Alcohol and Drug Addiction among Italian scholars, 1860s The Complexity of Addiction: Conceptions of Alcohol and Drug Addiction among Italian scholars, 1860s

Date added: 06/17/2015
Date modified: 06/17/2015
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Downloads: 2205

Paper by Franca Beccaria and Enrico Petrilli

Published in The Social History of Alcohol and Drugs

Passion and Insanity: A Twofold Concept of Addiction in Austria Before World War Two Passion and Insanity: A Twofold Concept of Addiction in Austria Before World War Two

Date added: 06/17/2015
Date modified: 06/17/2015
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 2224

Paper by Irmgard Eisenbach-Stangl

Published in The Social History of Alcohol and Drugs

Guest Editors’ Introduction Special Issue on Concepts of Addiction in Europe... Guest Editors’ Introduction Special Issue on Concepts of Addiction in Europe...

Date added: 06/17/2015
Date modified: 06/17/2015
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 2185

Full title: Guest Editors’ Introduction Special Issue on Concepts of Addiction in Europe, 1860s- 1930s

Paper by Virginia Berridge and Alex Mold

Published in The Social History of Alcohol and Drugs

Re: Costs of minimum alcohol pricing would outweigh benefits Re: Costs of minimum alcohol pricing would outweigh benefits

Date added: 06/17/2015
Date modified: 04/01/2016
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 2790

Paper by David Miller

Published in BMJ

Alcohol consumption, drinking patterns, and ischemic heart disease... Alcohol consumption, drinking patterns, and ischemic heart disease...

Date added: 06/17/2015
Date modified: 06/17/2015
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 2272

Full title: Alcohol consumption, drinking patterns, and ischemic heart disease: a narrative review of meta-analyses and a systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of heavy drinking occasions on risk for moderate drinkers.

Paper by Michael Roerecke and Jürgen Rehm.

Published in BMC Medicine