Journal articles
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Substitution treatment in the era of ‘recovery’: An analysis of stakeholder roles and...
Date added: | 05/02/2014 |
Date modified: | 05/02/2014 |
Filesize: | Unknown |
Downloads: | 3106 |
Full title: Substitution treatment in the era of ‘recovery’: An analysis of stakeholder roles and policy windows in Britain
Paper by Karen Duke, Rachel Herring, Anthony Thickett and Betsy Thom published in Substance Use & Misuse in August 2013.
Comparative risk assessment of carcinogens in alcoholic beverages...
Date added: | 06/22/2015 |
Date modified: | 06/22/2015 |
Filesize: | Unknown |
Downloads: | 3087 |
Full title: Comparative risk assessment of carcinogens in alcoholic beverages using the margin of exposure approach.
Paper by Dirk W. Lachenmeier, Maria C. Przybylski and Jürgen Rehm
Published in International Journal of Cancer
Doing it by numbers: a simple approach to reducing the harms of alcohol
Date added: | 04/30/2014 |
Date modified: | 04/30/2014 |
Filesize: | Unknown |
Downloads: | 3085 |
Paper by David Nutt and Jürgen Rehm published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology in January 2014
Interactions between parental alcohol-specific rules and risk personalities in the prediction of...
Date added: | 06/22/2015 |
Date modified: | 06/22/2015 |
Filesize: | Unknown |
Downloads: | 3079 |
Full title: Interactions between parental alcohol-specific rules and risk personalities in the prediction of adolescent alcohol use.
Paper by Janssen T, Larsen H, Peeters M, Pronk T, Vollebergh WA, Wiers RW.
Published in Alcohol and Alcoholism
Images by the vineyard: images of addiction and substance users in the media and other culture...
Date added: | 04/01/2016 |
Date modified: | 04/01/2016 |
Filesize: | Unknown |
Downloads: | 2996 |
Full title: Images by the vineyard: images of addiction and substance users in the media and other culture sites/sights
Authors: Allamani A. & Mattiacci S.
Published in: Substance Use & Misuse, Jan. 2015