Journal articles

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The role of evidence and the expert in contemporary processes of governance... The role of evidence and the expert in contemporary processes of governance...

Date added: 05/02/2014
Date modified: 05/02/2014
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Downloads: 2912

Full title: The role of evidence and the expert in contemporary processes of governance: the case of opioid substitution

Paper by Karen Duke and Betsy Thom published online in the International Journal of Drug Policy in January 2014.

Stakeholders’ role in contemporary “substitute dug” prescribing policies in Italy Stakeholders’ role in contemporary “substitute dug” prescribing policies in Italy

Date added: 05/02/2014
Date modified: 05/02/2014
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 2909

Paper by Franca Beccaria and Sara Rolando published in Substance Use & Misuse in August 2013.

Transition probabilities for four states of alcohol use in adolescence and young adulthood... Transition probabilities for four states of alcohol use in adolescence and young adulthood...

Date added: 06/17/2015
Date modified: 06/17/2015
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 2890

Full title: Transition probabilities for four states of alcohol use in adolescence and young adulthood: what factors matter when?

Paper by Probst C, Moyo D, Purshouse R and Rehm J.

Published in Addiction

Walking through mud: History of the Polish methadone maintenance treatment from its... Walking through mud: History of the Polish methadone maintenance treatment from its...

Date added: 05/02/2014
Date modified: 05/02/2014
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 2871

Full title: Walking through mud: History of the Polish methadone maintenance treatment from its stakeholders’ perspective

Paper by Jacek Moskalewicz and Marta Welbel published in Substance Use & Misuse in August 2013.

Stakeholders in opioid substitution treatment policy: similarities and differences in six... Stakeholders in opioid substitution treatment policy: similarities and differences in six...

Date added: 05/02/2014
Date modified: 05/02/2014
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 2863

Full title: Stakeholders in opioid substitution treatment policy: similarities and differences in six European Countries

Paper by Betsy Thom, Karen Duke, Vibeke Asmussen Frank and Bagga Bjerge published in Substance Use & Misuse in August 2013.