Technical reports

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Deliverable 07.1: Determinants of risky substance use and risky gambling Deliverable 07.1: Determinants of risky substance use and risky gambling

Date added: 01/16/2013
Date modified: 02/15/2016
Filesize: 1.01 MB
Downloads: 5133

Deliverable 09.1 Determinants of a reduction in or cessation of harmful substance use and gambling Deliverable 09.1 Determinants of a reduction in or cessation of harmful substance use and gambling

Date added: 07/30/2014
Date modified: 02/15/2016
Filesize: 1.12 MB
Downloads: 5057

This report focuses on the determinants of reductions in or cessation of harmful use of substances and gambling, where harm may be a direct result of a behaviour or a consequence of societal reactions to that behaviour. Determinants identified are wide ranging and include availability, economic conditions, gender, personality traits, neurological changes, media campaigns, social identity and social networks.


Deliverable 20.3: Decision Makers Dialogues Deliverable 20.3: Decision Makers Dialogues

Date added: 03/24/2016
Date modified: 03/29/2016
Filesize: 1.41 MB
Downloads: 5024

As part of the ALICE RAP communication and dissemination strategy, the project convened and organised a series of Decision Makers’ Dialogues, aimed at policy makers and influencers of addiction governance for jurisdictions of different levels and sizes. This report gives brief accounts of the 6 decision makers’ dialogues held over three jurisdictional levels, and attempts made by the coordinating team to initiate still wider international dialogues linking to the UNGASS on drugs 2016.

Deliverable 08.1: Determinants of harmful substance use and gambling - review Deliverable 08.1: Determinants of harmful substance use and gambling - review

Date added: 09/10/2013
Date modified: 02/15/2016
Filesize: 1006.58 kB
Downloads: 5004

WP21_Third project evaluation report (MS38) WP21_Third project evaluation report (MS38)

Date added: 11/02/2015
Date modified: 11/02/2015
Filesize: 3.51 MB
Downloads: 4995

Third of the three interim project evaluation reports presenting the findings of the following evaluation mechanisms, in the frame of the Bergen Model of Collaborative Functioning:

  • The study of the transdisciplinary research orientations of ALICE RAP scientists undertaken between two and five years after the start of the project
  • An online survey of all partners conducted at a mid-point of the project, assessing the degree of collaboration each respondent had with all the ALICE RAP Work Packages.
  • The study of ALICE RAP partners' experience in the project, their perceptions of synergy in the project, and their attitudes towards future collaboration following the close of the formal phase of the project.