Technical reports

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Deliverable 03.3: Popular Images of Addiction Deliverable 03.3: Popular Images of Addiction

Date added: 06/27/2014
Date modified: 07/13/2015
Filesize: 1.16 MB
Downloads: 7336

This study investigated the popular images of nine different addictions in five European countries (Poland, Norway, Germany, Finland, and Sweden). 

Deliverable 04.1: Classification of addictions Deliverable 04.1: Classification of addictions

Date added: 04/29/2014
Date modified: 07/13/2015
Filesize: 573.86 kB
Downloads: 9528

A report examining the various classifications of addictions and extracting common elements of addiction classifications

Deliverable 04.2 (addendum) - Analyses of margins of exposure Deliverable 04.2 (addendum) - Analyses of margins of exposure

Date added: 07/30/2014
Date modified: 07/13/2015
Filesize: 273.33 kB
Downloads: 8413

Risk assessment of illicit drugs has often been based on historial attribution, emotive reasoning or educated guesses. This research, as part of WP4 Classification of addictions, aims for a comparative risk assessment of drugs, including alcohol and tobacco, based on a toxicological methodology.


Deliverable 05.1 Prevalence of substance use, dependence and problematic gambling in Europe Deliverable 05.1 Prevalence of substance use, dependence and problematic gambling in Europe

Date added: 04/25/2014
Date modified: 07/13/2015
Filesize: 2.73 MB
Downloads: 8130

This report describes use prevalence, dependence and related harm estimates for addictive substances and behaviours in Europe, plus the strategies used for obtaining these estimates when ideal data was not available. It also includes an extensive appendix with country profiles and details on the data sources.

Deliverable 06.1: Social costs of addiction Deliverable 06.1: Social costs of addiction

Date added: 12/30/2014
Date modified: 07/20/2015
Filesize: 8.1 MB
Downloads: 9078

The purpose of this study is to determine the social costs attributable to the abuse of alcohol, illegal drugs and tobacco, as well as of gambling for three EU countries, Poland, Portugal, and Spain (Catalonia).