Technical reports

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Deliverable 17.1: Report on the cognitions website Deliverable 17.1: Report on the cognitions website

Date added: 09/10/2013
Date modified: 10/02/2014
Filesize: 560.18 kB
Downloads: 5406

Deliverable 16.2 Adolescents as customers: Policy database Deliverable 16.2 Adolescents as customers: Policy database

Date added: 04/25/2014
Date modified: 10/13/2014
Filesize: 729.2 kB
Downloads: 4606

Report describing the deliverable 16.2 'Adolescents as customers' online database, available at

Deliverable 16.1 Adolescents as customers of addictions Deliverable 16.1 Adolescents as customers of addictions

Date added: 04/25/2014
Date modified: 10/13/2014
Filesize: 5.41 MB
Downloads: 9588

Report providing comprehensive summative information on how young people’s addictive behaviours are addressed in EU Member State policy documents on
alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, and gambling.

Deliverable 14.2 Addiction governance practices Deliverable 14.2 Addiction governance practices

Date added: 08/11/2014
Date modified: 07/27/2015
Filesize: 3.03 MB
Downloads: 5767

In this study we analyse a number of current major trends in drug and gambling policy in the EU. The focus is on identifying important factors that influence policy decision making and policy implementation.

Deliverable 14.1 Policy scales Deliverable 14.1 Policy scales

Date added: 04/29/2015
Date modified: 06/15/2015
Filesize: 4.86 MB
Downloads: 6373


Can a country's alcohol policies say something about what kind of tobacco policies are implemented? Or does a strict set of gambling policies guarantee that the country also has implemented strict policies for other addictive substances or behaviours?

The work undertaken in Work package 14, task 1, looks at policy scales for alcohol, tobacco, gambling and illicit drgus, in slightly different ways depending on the addiction and the history of previous scaling attempts. Two brand new policy scales were developed within the Alice Rap project - one for gambling policies and another one dealing with cannabis and heroin. Two previously constructed scales, one for alcohol and one for tobacco, are also included in the work package and their structures and methodology are systematically compared to each other.