Journal articles

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Commentary: Sweet policies Commentary: Sweet policies

Date added: 06/22/2015
Date modified: 06/22/2015
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 2804

By Peter Anderson and David Miller

Published in the British Medical Journal

Re: Is the obesity epidemic exaggerated? Yes Re: Is the obesity epidemic exaggerated? Yes

Date added: 06/22/2015
Date modified: 06/22/2015
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 2785

Paper by Miller and Harkins

Published in the Bristish Medical Journal

Comparative risk assessment of carcinogens in alcoholic beverages... Comparative risk assessment of carcinogens in alcoholic beverages...

Date added: 06/22/2015
Date modified: 06/22/2015
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 2877

Full title: Comparative risk assessment of carcinogens in alcoholic beverages using the margin of exposure approach.

Paper by Dirk W. Lachenmeier, Maria C. Przybylski and Jürgen Rehm

Published in International Journal of Cancer

What happens if people start drinking mouthwash as surrogate alcohol?... What happens if people start drinking mouthwash as surrogate alcohol?...

Date added: 06/22/2015
Date modified: 06/22/2015
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 2862

Full title: What happens if people start drinking mouthwash as surrogate alcohol? A quantitative risk assessment.

Paper by Dirk W. Lachenmeier, Yulia B. Monakhova, Mariya Markova, Thomas Kuballa, Jürgen Rehm

Published in Food and Chemical Toxicology

Cue reactivity and its relation to craving and relapse in alcohol dependence: a combined ... Cue reactivity and its relation to craving and relapse in alcohol dependence: a combined ...

Date added: 08/11/2015
Date modified: 08/11/2015
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 2918

Full title: Cue reactivity and its relation to craving and relapse in alcohol dependence: a combined laboratory and field study

by Jurriaan Witteman, Hans Post, Mika Tarvainen, Avalon de Bruijn, Elizabeth De Sousa Fernandes Perna, Johannes G. Ramaekers, Reinout W. Wiers

The present study investigated the nature of physiological cue reactivity and craving in response to alcohol cues among alcohol-dependent patients (N = 80) who were enrolled in detoxification treatment and concludes hat the presence of alcohol cues such as portrayal of alcoholic beverages and drinking behaviour induces cue reactivity and craving in alcohol dependence through a conditioned appetitive response.